Quantum offers comprehensive service to check references and qualifications of potential candidates. We will perform an in-depth background check for the residential address, education qualifications, employment history, etc.

  • Educational and Qualification Checking and Verification
  • Employment Background Screening
  • Civil Litigation Check
  • Bankruptcy and Credit Level Check

Upon the specific request, we can also provide Personality Test for the employee before processing the on-boarding.

Educational and Qualification Checking and Verification

  • Educational Documents check and verify with the schools whether the candidate has indeed studied and graduated as per information provided
  • Professional qualification Certificates check and verify with issuers whether the professional certifications are genuine
  • Get the documented recommendation letter from the Teacher or the Trainer who closely supervised the candidate during the school term

Employment Background Screening

  • Checking the employment history of the candidate; position, dates of employment, reputation, performance and reason for leaving
  • Contact with the previous employer to verify the information
  • Contact with former supervisors and co-workers to ascertain past reputation and performance
  • Get the documented recommendation letter from the immediate Supervising Manager of the previous employment

Civil Litigation Check

  • Check whether the candidate has been involved in lawsuits
  • Check and verify the Neighborhood Council Recommendation Letter for the residential address of the candidate
  • Check and verify the Police Recommendation Letter for the clearance of criminal record
  • Verification of contact details and emergency contact details
  • Interview with family member for ongoing lawsuits
  • Media check which involves online and social media search and mediation to ascertain whether any detrimental information has ever been reported

Bankruptcy and Credit Level Check

  • Check and verify the Bank Certificate
  • Contact with Bank to determine whether the candidate has been involved in disputed bank loan cases

Personality Testing

  • Personality Test to identify whether the candidate is introvert or extravert
  • Map out the different personalities of the candidate
  • Evaluates overarching dimensions of personality
  • Candidate will have to fill the form online
  • Single report for one candidate